Wednesday, January 14, 2015

5 motive pentru care sa iti dai examenul Cambridge

Examenul Cambridge este o testare recunoscuta la nivel international ce are ca scop evaluarea cunostintelor de limba engleza. Examenul are 3 nivele: first, advanced si proficiency si costa aproximativ 130 de Euro. Eu consider ca se merita sa dai acest examen, pentru ca dovedeste ca ai cunostinte avansate de limba engleza si mai dovedeste interesul tau pentru vorbirea acestei limbi.

Cursuri pregatitoare pentru examenul Cambridge gasesti aici, alaturi de alte cursuri pentru diverse alte examene de limba: IELTS (International English Language Testing System), TOEFL, FCE (First Certificate English), KET (Key English Test), PET (Preliminary English Test), CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) etc.

Fie ca vrei sa iti dai examenul Cambridge sau orice alte examen de testare a limbii engleze, iti ofer 5 motive care sa te ambitioneze in invatare:

in primul rand limba engleza este o limba internationala, care iti va fi de ajutor oricand si oriunde. Astazi, daca nu cunosti putina engleza, nu te poti descurca la locul de munca sau in calatorii.
o astfel de certificare poate avea un rol decisiv in gasirea unui loc de munca mai bun, deoarece atesta un oarecare nivel de stapanire a limbii, dar si interesul tau pentru dezvoltarea ta profesionala.
in strainatate majoritatea angajatorilor cer o astfel de certificare. Chiar daca cunosti bine limba, e foarte posibil sa ai nevoie si de diploma.
nu este atat de greu sa sustii examenul Cambridge - cu un curs special de pregatire pentru Cambridge vei invata foarte repede tipurile de exercitii si felul in care trebuie sa raspunzi. Cursuri pentru examene Cambridge gasesti pe
un asemenea examen nu are limite - te va ajuta oriunde vei merge, atat pe plan personal (ca sa socializezi cu oamenii), cat si pe plan profesional (sa iti gasesti un loc de munca)

Nu cred ca mai ai nevoie de alte motive - beneficiile sunt mult peste masura efortului depus. Mult succes!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

De ce nu poarta femeile ghete?

In fiecare sezon, femeile isi schimba incaltamintea. Este ceva obisnuit, ceva normal si nimic nou. Pentru barbati, diferenta dintre toamna si iarna este destul de mica, pe cand, la femei, aceasta poate fi foarte mare, asemanatoare cu trecerea de la primavara la vara. De asemenea, si trendurile se schimba foarte mult de la un sezon la altul in ceea ce priveste incaltamintea feminina. 

Iar asta in special in Iasi, care este o metropola romaneasca, unde sunt foarte multi studenti si nu numai. Iar daca vreti sa gasiti modele de incaltaminte de dama in Iasi intr-o gama foarte diversificata si la preturi foarte avantajoase, trebuie sa apelati la Selgros pentru ca ei au exact ceea ce are nevoie orice femeie pentru toamna si pentru iarna. Preturile sunt dintre cele mai bune, asa cum se poate observa si in bannerul de mai sus.

Cine poate sa isi doreasca mai mult? Ghetele sunt la reducere atat pentru femei cat si pentru barbati si sunt perfecte pentru toate aceste zile ploioase si pline de noroi, si mai ales pentru cineva care face munca de teren. Sunt ghete pentru femei foarte dragute care se pot asorta la orice tinuta, ca sa puteti fii atat trendy cat si protejata de apa care abia asteapta sa va intre la picioare. Ghetele si cizmele propuse de Selgros sunt din piele naturala si nu vor permite acest lucru.

Asa ca nu stiu de ce nu vor femeile sa poarte ghete, avand in vedere cat de multe avantaje ofera acestea. Bineinteles, majoritatea avantajelor tin de sanatate si de modul in care acestea nu permit deteriorarea ei. Pana la urma, aceasta ar trebui sa fie in capul listei de prioritati ale unei femei. In fine, ghetele vor fi mereu incaltamintea de dama care nu se va demoda niciodata, asa ca e foarte bine sa ai o pereche in garderoba.

Selgros Iasi
Produse alimentare si nealimentare
Soseaua Nicolina nr. 57A Iasi,
700711, RO
Tel: 0232 306 000
Fax 0232 306 199

Friday, June 29, 2012

how to stay hydrated in summer

Drink plenty of fluids
Inclusive high temperature dehydration, so the menu as much liquid remains the best method that can successfully pass hot weather. Liquid to make not only need water and minerals, the body loses through sweat, since water is lost through sweat, toxins and salts. Therefore, it is best to serve herbal teas or fruit or vegetable juice, milk or water with lemon iuart, minerals, or just plain water. But salads and soups are light and her body modes are provided appreciable quantities of water, because fruits and vegetables contain water. When preparing vegetable juice, you should add a pinch of sea salt, because the body loses through sweat and minerals, leading to deficiencies. Prepare more fruit and vegetables, add some mint leaves, the same can be done when preparing fruit salads or sauces. Peppermint provides a cooling effect, plus antioxidants. Also, avoid cooking different dishes that require cooking, lighting and oven would heat the air in the house more, so that remains cold dishes, salads and soups in the summer. Cook with minimal fat recipes to the light and stay away from caffeine, sweets and alcohol.

Rest as much
Avoid wake in the day and try to rest while keeping your strength. Do not waste energy elsewhere. And if you already have a gym, try to schedule meetings only at night, is already cold. Also, tonight is the right time of day when you can get problems solved, or simply to practice other fun activities such as walking or jogging through the park.
Draw curtains and avoid multiple devices placed in sockets, as warm air in the room. Find shady places in the house and read a book all the time. Sitting in the yard, garden, especially if you plant the vine to shade and coolness. Also, if you have a garden irrigation system, you can sit with him while serving a fresh fruit juice, with hat on head and sit in the chair.

Keep windows open
Allow air to enter the room, because you also need it. Leave windows slightly open, but put a mosquito net, so as to avoid tension in the small room intruders. This will reduce discomfort caused by warm weather. In addition, opening May ferestele morning and evening.
Find cool by the pool
If none of these methods to help you stay hydrated, go to the pool. A dip in the pool will cool and reduce discomfort they give warm weather.

Take hot showers
Make as many hot showers to cool you, to avoid the rain at a temperature lower than the body, to risk of upset metabolism. And when you can not afford to take a cold shower with hot water can be sprayed on arms, neck, neck and face little thermal water. Always keep a large bottle with thermal water. Be generous and how much you spray, you feel the pleasant breeze. So you do if you put a bottle of mineral water spray system.
Wet a tissue or handkerchief and put it on the forehead, neck or throat, that in areas where increased body temperature and feel that sweat excessively. Of cold instant.

Wear free to
Finally, to avoid outlets in the house between 11.00-18.00. If necessary, wear appropriate clothing, which is free and light colored. And do not forget hat and sunglasses.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

how to lose weight

How to eat healthy and lose weight:

Green tea:
It is known that green tea is rich in antioxidants, called catechins, which speed up metabolism, facilitates faster fat burning and actively reduce cholesterol.
Experts have established that weight loss occurs over time, if three tea drinks per day, which is even recommended by the instructions on the package of Chinese tea. It is recommended to use tea in their original packaging to avoid counterfeit versions.

Coffee, roasted:
A test made ​​in America by a group of overweight people has shown that these weakened roasted coffee, consumption of 7 kg in 22 weeks without changing diet or regular.
Coffee beans have the ability to reducee absorption body fat and glucose in the gut. Warning: if the beans are old and rancid smell caught, their consumption is not indicated.

Influence of fruit in the long-known weakness. Experiments conducted in 2004 showed that convert food into energy favors fruit storage and not as fat. In addition, Grapefruit contains substances that lower triglycerides, as limonoids and lycopene. If you keep in mind that half the average grapefruit contains only 39 calories, have reason to eat it every day.

Beans are one of the best natural remedies to combat the added weight due to a substance meets the specific role. Name is holitsistokinina basic substance and herbal preparations intended for weight loss regime. Eating beans regularly, these products are no longer necessary. But beware, the beans contain calories. So recoanmda small daily doses, not rich menus.

how to shop online

There are two types of sites in the world, on-line: secured and unsecured. Secure sites use something called SSL and can be easily identified by displaying an icon as a lock or something in the address bar. Web pages can recognize certain whether the URL (address bar) to "https://" and the browser will display an icon used to specify that the page is secure.
Not provide sensitive personal data like credit card numbers, identification codes or account passwords to any site that is secured with SSL.

If a debit card account you lose all the money at once. But if a credit card the worst that can happen is to require more business from you, but can be much easier to undo so use a credit card.

After all you can shop, you should check your monthly bank statements. It is based on the simple fact that everything is fine if you see a lot of money missing. Often fraudulent transactions can be tested.

It can take months for the fraudulent transaction will take place. So, if you notice any unusual or suspicious transaction, you should go to the bank before being harmed.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

how to think like a smart man

Look at problems in different ways and find new perspectives that no one else has found.

When Einstein thought through a problem found it necessary to make as many ways possible, including using diagrams. He visualized solutions, and believed that words and numbers as such did not play a role in his thinking process.
A distinguishing characteristic of genius is productivity. Produce anything!
Failure can be productive only if we focus on it as an unproductive result. Instead, the analysis process, its components and how they can change to get the other results. No wonder "Why not?" but rather "What have I done?"

Combine and recombine, ideas, images and thoughts into different combinations no matter how unusual or strange it may seem. Try new combinations!

how to stop smoking

Find the reason.
There are financial reasons. Social reasons. There is fear of disease. Or simply "I came". Importantly, however, is your personal reason, that "something" essential to you, you will say when they occur inside or outside temptations, "No thanks, I do not smoke because ... . ".
Know your enemy.
Examine your life smoke, why smoking, which are situations, people, places, objects that "need" a cigarette. Recognize your rituals, but also times when lighting a cigarette, without recognizing gesture.
Build action plan.
Find a replacement for each type of cigarette. Caution must be things / activities that you like! Write your plan and get it with a thumbtack in place / places most dear to smoking. If you try, remember what you did to resume smoking and think how you react in a similar situation.
Choose a day smoker - the day will not smoke.
Choose the period in which you think will be easier - or weekend work, on vacation or at work.
Prepare one day.
And ... try again. Perseverance is key.